- Who can buy on this page?
- We specialize in wholesale sales to businesses, although we can also supply to individuals, freelancers, associations, clubs, events... as long as they buy in submultiples and multiples, and the customer considers the specific conditions required by law for online sales of personalized and promotional items, which are accepted upon placing the order.
- Why does my cart get blocked after adding 5 items?
- This happens because you are placing a picking order within a wholesale page. Since shipping is free, you can place another order to add more products.
- Can I see how my order will look before receiving it?
- Once you place your order with personalization, we always create a photo composition. We proceed to production only after receiving your approval. Any necessary changes can be made during this process.
- Why can't I add an item to my cart?
- Check your cart, as items with personalization cannot be mixed with non-personalized items due to different processing times.
- Can I receive a sample?
- Yes, you can order a non-personalized sample to check the quality and finish of the product before placing a larger order. Just add it to your cart, maximum 3 different samples.
- Why do we recommend not ordering exact quantities?
- As wholesalers dealing with low-cost items, in case of breakages, shortages, or damages under 25€, only refunds are processed, not replacements.
- Why are orders with printing served +/- 5% of the order quantity?
- In our printing workshops, we increase the quantity by 5% to cover possible printing errors; therefore, the quantity may vary depending on the accuracy of the operator or machine. Any shortfall is refunded.